The 4-H Cloverbuds Program is part of the overall Kansas 4-H program, even though it has different policies and activities than the 4-H club program focused for the 7- to 19-year-olds. 4-H Cloverbuds is about meeting the developmental needs of its participants. Even so, the 4-H Cloverbuds still embrace the 4-H core values.

4-H Cloverbuds Resources

4-H Cloverbuds Guide

Cloverbuds Policies

Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds Information

4-H Cloverbuds Goals

  • Self-understanding skills (Initiating independence and self-direction)
  • Social skills (Getting along with others)
  • Decision-making skills (Making positive choices)
  • Learning Skills(Learning to learn)
  • Mastering physical skills(enjoying constructive and creative play)


4-H Cloverbuds Guide

Cloverbuds Policies

Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds Information