Newspaper Articles
- Improving Garden Space With a Waterscape (Feb '25)
- Gardening - Good For You in More Ways Than One (Dec '24)
- Planting Garlic (Oct '24)
- June Green Beetles and Walnut Caterpillars (Aug '24)
- Managing Storm Damaged Trees
- Gardening Wellness Benefits for All Ages (Mar '24)
- Incorporating Natives into the Garden (Mar '24)
- Ready, Set, Grow - Getting a Start on Garden Growing Season (Jan '24)
- What to do with that Christmas Tree (Jan '24)
- Steps to Protect Fruit Trees from Mice (Dec '23)
- Setting Your Home Landscape up for Spring Success (Oct '23)
- Tips for Moving Cold Sensitive Plants Indoors (Oct '23)
- Common Leaf Spot Diseases on Tomato Plants (Jul '23)
- Maximizing Effectiveness of Glyphosate in the Garden (Jun '23)
- Poison Ivy ID and Control (May '23)
- 10 Rules for Spring Planting of Trees (Apr '23)
- Utilizing a Planting Calendar (Feb '23)
- Winter Garden Watering (Jan '23)
- Burn It or Show It Off: Choosing Firewood and Your Christmas Tree (Dec '22)
- Composting 101, Part 2 (O ct '22)
- Composting 101, Part 1 (Sep '22)
- Pruning Fruit Trees (Feb '22)
- Mulching Tomatoes
- Controlling Garden Pests
- Overseeding Lawns in September
- Fall Planting Bulbs
- Starting Vegetable Plants from Seeds
- Transplant Vegetables
- House Plants Losing Leaves
- Poinsettia Care
- Battling Bagworms